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Money Money Money

Money Money Money

It’s a big man’s world…
Money is what makes the world go round, or so they say. Without it you can’t do anything, without it you can’t be anyone of importance – or can you? If we lost all our money overnight some people would not be able to live their lives, as we saw in the 1930’s Wall Street crash when the rich thought their world had come to an end. Some say they took the easy way out by taking their own lives! By doing so they were putting money before their own life, families, friends, and the very people that depended on them. Maybe if they had stayed around they could have learnt the lessons of life from those who had been used to living in poverty. The world could have been a different place from what we see now.
If that happened overnight the poor people in this world would become rich – rich in such a way because they would know how to live and survive far better than most of us. Their world would not have changed. Life for them would be the same as the day before. In monetary terms everyone would now be equal – but in reality the ‘poor’ man would now be the richer and the ‘rich’ man would learn the lessons of life and survival from the so-called poor.
We have a world of “those who have” and “those who have not” with the rest of us just living in between the two worlds, ever chasing those dreams that maybe one day our luck will change, always looking backwards and being frightened of what we might lose and of becoming poorer. We have become reliant on money so much so that we feel without it there is no point to life and we can’t survive. Look at the price we pay with health, happiness, spirituality – are we really learning anything at all by the pathway we choose to walk? Yet we can’t do without money because the world system is set up in such a way for us to have the need to chase those dreams. We have become a throw away society, because the system is set up for us to spend our money on new things. Families have fallen out over it, Friends fight about it, and Countries go to war for it, in the name of the petrol dollar [(money) (oil)].
The third world countries are being forgotten about by the richer countries who push these poorer countries ever deeper into debt. Those richer countries take the resources from the third world countries. The Western world could stop poverty over night, if only we stop spending money on weapons of destruction.
The world’s rainforests are still being destroyed in the pursuit of money and the ‘rich’ get richer as fast as ever, and the ‘poor’ get poorer.
The result is fewer animal and plant species, soil erosion and unreliable water supplies. There is no doubt that large scale de-forestation alters the climate which then affects us all – intensifying droughts in the dry season, followed by flash floods across the world, giving very high temperatures and floods in the rainy season, killing more and more people. Deforestation plays its part, but other industrial activities do too, like burning natural fuels.
All in the name of money, the highly complex ecosystem and mankind are all suffering, in becoming civilized, we are killing the Earth, the very place we live. Man-made plus natural causes = havoc. There are so many things we can do without money. All we need to do is to think differently about the way we lead our own life, not to put so much importance on how much money we have in the bank, how big is the car we drive, do we need two houses to live in.

Personal Responsibility.

Just try and run our own lives to see how happy we can be without so much. Look at our family and friends who might have more money than us, are they really happy? I mean really happy; or do they chase the dreams of a lifetime, never getting there, just dreaming about what they could do if they just had a bit more.
What they have they must keep for themselves, could they help others with their wealth? The more they have, the more they need. The more they have the more they worry about who is trying to take it away from them and the more they keep a closer eye on it all. They employ people to look after it for them, never really trusting them, maybe even feeling that they only have friends because they are after the money they have. Maybe they don’t mix with their own family members for the same reasons.
How lonely are you? Do you want what they have? We all have some kind of a dream.
Just think what you can do without money … Love you family and friends more; Be with them as much as you can; Dream together, not about money but about how you can get back your freedom and live your life in a more peaceful way, getting back your health and happiness.
Be at peace with your inner self; Find out what you are here for; Find the true pathway that is right for you and live in harmony.
There is a misquote that says: “MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL” – this quote is used in everyday life. But, the real quote should be: “THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL”
MONEY MONEY MONEY … It’s a small man’s world


We can all live with a lie and at sometime in our lives we have all lied. There are little white lies, big lies, compulsive lying, or simply bending the truth, whatever you call them, they are lies.
Show me someone who says that they don’t lie and I will show you a liar.
If you believe in, aspire to or just agree with the sixth principal of the S.N.U. which says, ‘Compensation and retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done on earth’, even the thought of telling lies is just as bad as saying them.
‘Personal Responsibility’, the fifth S.N.U. principle is the one that places responsibility for wrongful thoughts and deeds where it belongs – with the individual.
It is the acceptance of responsibility for every aspect of our lives and the use to which we place our lives depends entirely upon ourselves. It is not possible for any other person, or outside influence, to interfere with our spiritual development, unless we are willing to allow this. No one can put right the wrongdoing except the offender. As we are given freedom of choice (freewill) so also are we given the opportunity to recognise what is right from what is wrong. We are totally, as well as personally, responsible.
What happens when someone tells the first lie, first they have to believe in it so much that they think it does matter to the person they have lied to, not caring about the hurt and pain, the physical or mental scars they leave behind with the person or even to themselves.
But as we all know to cover up a lie you have to tell another lie, and maybe even more lies to cover up the first two and so on. Before long you have said so many lies that you can’t stop – a pack of lies- not knowing or even understanding the truth from a lie, kidding yourself believing you are telling that truth. You have to have a good memory to remember all the lies that you have told, being careful not to trip yourself up.
By being careful and covering up thinking you are clever, in realty you are becoming deceitful, untruthful, unworthy, deceptive, lower in life, false, and possibly a trouble maker, or even dangerous. All of these things are negative energies.
By lying, your outlook in life becomes blinkered and can pull you down so much; making you feel ill, even bringing unhappiness in to your everyday life. Because you lie you think everyone is the same as you and you begin to mistrust them.
In some countries people have to lie just to stay alive or they could end up being killed for what they believe in, having a different point of view, maybe not agreeing with their Government, or the religion. They may need to lie to get work to earn money to put food on the table and support their family.
It is so easy for one person to judge another, unless you yourself are in their circumstance. The truth is “people that live in glasshouses should never throw stones.”
Can and do Spirit lie? Some Mediums would have you believe they do. From my experience the answer is’No, Spirit do not lie’. Remember it is the interruption of the Medium’s mind of what Spirit is giving to them. It is possible for the Medium to get it wrong or to misunderstand what they are receiving. No Medium should make any kind of a statement without being completely satisfied what they are giving to the recipient is true to the best of their own understanding. From my own experience I have learnt it is so often the Mediums own thoughts, feelings or even there own experiences that intervene. So, care has to be taken not to give an untruth. I am not saying that any Medium would deliberately lie.
It can be very serious or even dangerous to let people think we have all the answers with the communicator in spirit. The Medium should say so if they don’t know. There is no shame to say that at all, because we work in truth and we all learn as we go along our own spiritual pathway.
Many people are so desperate to make contact with a loved one in spirit and they will believe anything just to hear from their passed loved one that they are there for them.
Our minds are a very powerful tool. Therefore, a Medium can bring in his or her own thoughts or simply not understanding the full picture of what it is that is being given to them by spirit as so called evidence. Then the Medium can give this to the recipient, which may not be true – Are Spirit lying? We say that we should work in love and truth – which truth? Maybe the Medium didn’t want to be wrong – ‘Personal responsibility’. Spirit never lies. If you think they do, then you are saying God is wrong and possibly lying too.
There is no time in the Spirit world and because Spirit communication does not always happen fast enough or in a way that we would like or we do not really understand the pathway we all walk or even ourselves, we can often look for someone or something else to blame for our own misinterpretation. Never looking within, that we might just be the problem or even unintentionally lying.
Even the most truthful person may some time in their life have to lie, leaving them feeling bad in what they have just done. So many people lose their trust and faith in the world of Spirit and in God.
We have free will and can stop or start or even change the way things should be, so therefore we should go with the flow leaving it up to God, as God’s will.
God’s will is our will with the unconditional love that he gives to us each and every day, so why would God lie, he doesn’t need to. It’s within us all as we are a part of God and therefore we should not lie to others or ourselves.
Spiritualism is the belief that the spirits from the “spirit world” have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living.
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